

I am spinning the galaxies with a pen
exploring the cosmos on a piece of paper
whirling my pen,
creating black holes and ??? smearing dust clouds

Playing with whirlagiggi’s and thingamagiggi’s.

A galaxy spins inside of me… shooting out all things, large and small…

Small… the Particle Zoo…

boring borons,
happening hadrons,
leaping leptons – cunning rascals – slipping through from one end of space to another
bouncing bosons… they are heavy, so they need to bounce to shake of their weight.
Pi Mesons…

Large …
the Dwarf Stars,
Singing Nebulas, Crab Nebulas singing Cantata’s

With black on white, creating color.

All hail Immanuel,
God With Us
[the] fullness of Diety
treading the soil of humanity

Aurora Borealis Uber Alles
Calahari Calamari…

little man or big guy

The Mediator…
where dust and divinity meet

So there is Missio Dei … and there is missio Rajjie, missio Bobby, missio Ruthie, missio Jeremy … The mission of God in my life.
I tend to forget, that its about God getting me somewhere. Not simply, me trying to get myself somewhere.

Missio Desi(?)

Its like sitting in front of a boat, and rowing rowing rowing, and then hitting something, and the oars break… and then throwing a tantrum, and then noticing that the boat is still moving… and then turning around and seeing a big large guy rowing, and he’s wearing a t-shirt and on it it says, Dei.

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