Monthly Archives: August 2009

From Scrapes to Scraps


I do not know who I am. I do not know what I am. I do not know where I am.

I do not quite know who I am…
yet, when I take to the pen,
then with the ink of my becoming,
I write out my being.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don’t like the rest, yet its still an exercise of thought.

I do not know what I am …
yet when my pen hits the paper,
I go from what to who
From being to becoming.

I do not know where I am,
yet I make my way
across the Void,
darting across the stepping stones
of being and becoming

More metaphors we live by
I’m feeling light headed
and heavy hearted.
Youre thick headed… thats what you are.
This is dense…

Apart from me you can do nothing…


Yes. Nothing.

Apart from God, we are blind, deaf, dumb, mute, senseless, and on top of it all … confused.

We are also without arms, without legs …

Then there is prayer.

Prayer is sight.
It is when we close our eyes, that we can see.

Prayer is ears.
Though we are deaf to the world, when we are in silence, we hear the Creator of the Universe

Prayer is hands.
When we clasp our hands and close our eyes,
        we move mountains.
        we are without arms, but in prayer we move the Himalayas and the Andes.
Indeed, we spin this globe on its axis.

Prayer is legs.
Though we become motionless before God,
        we travel to India, China, Ireland, and back in a split second.



I am spinning the galaxies with a pen
exploring the cosmos on a piece of paper
whirling my pen,
creating black holes and ??? smearing dust clouds

Playing with whirlagiggi’s and thingamagiggi’s.

A galaxy spins inside of me… shooting out all things, large and small…

Small… the Particle Zoo…

boring borons,
happening hadrons,
leaping leptons – cunning rascals – slipping through from one end of space to another
bouncing bosons… they are heavy, so they need to bounce to shake of their weight.
Pi Mesons…

Large …
the Dwarf Stars,
Singing Nebulas, Crab Nebulas singing Cantata’s

With black on white, creating color.

All hail Immanuel,
God With Us
[the] fullness of Diety
treading the soil of humanity

Aurora Borealis Uber Alles
Calahari Calamari…

little man or big guy

The Mediator…
where dust and divinity meet

So there is Missio Dei … and there is missio Rajjie, missio Bobby, missio Ruthie, missio Jeremy … The mission of God in my life.
I tend to forget, that its about God getting me somewhere. Not simply, me trying to get myself somewhere.

Missio Desi(?)

Its like sitting in front of a boat, and rowing rowing rowing, and then hitting something, and the oars break… and then throwing a tantrum, and then noticing that the boat is still moving… and then turning around and seeing a big large guy rowing, and he’s wearing a t-shirt and on it it says, Dei.

Possible fbk status’es related to cooking


Meataphors we live by …

Rajjilicious is a …

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ breakfast

… is toast

… is a flake

… is corny

… a granola

… is bananas

… a fruitcake

… fed up

~~~~~~~ lunch

… is a bonehead

… is a meathead

… is a muttonhead

… is a fathead

~~~~~~~ dinner

… is full of baloney

I’ve missed something. I sense it. … and I guess we do not have very many food (!) metaphors to describe ourselves that are flattering.

~~~~~~~ ALL DAY

… is getting baked

The last one and the first one are not serious of course… I am just noting them.

~ Hajji Baba

A root toot toot…


I want to write… not quite for school… but I want to write a plant, a tree, from root to fruit – a leaf, a bud – and some shoots. And you … Dear Tree, what of your roots? Pls keep your roots. – Ab ke jo saavan aega.

I’ve got a galaxy swirling within me…

I don’t quite know whats going on. I left the work world to study theology… but all this stuff is happening within me. Leptons, gluons, muons are flying out of me.

Crab cantata
Crab nebula…
Orion nebula
cartwheel galaxy
sunflower galaxy
pinwheel galaxies

School starts again soon … oieey…. 1 more year … the summer was too short…

I think I’ll continue studying theo-
But take a break and reconsider pursuing a P h –
And take a stab at writing instead …



How Poetry Arrived … It was like confetti blowing in the air… out in Cambridge, MA, and on it were written words and phrases and fragments. So I started to grab a hold of some of them, and started looking at them.

Here is some more confetti blowing in the air.

CCan I purchase the Universe for a dollar? Or for a penny?
Can I trade it for a piece of aluminum called the paisa?
In my hands I hold a miracle … a miracle that I purchased for a dollar at a corner-store in the streets of Secunderabad.
I stole away to my hotel room, and opened up my hands, and …
out flowed the meadow flowers and the dripping lilies
out flew the cooing doves
out fell the shaken bamboo leaves
out grew the blossoming kadam trees, and
out poured the Ganges and the Godavari.
In my hands I hold a miracle … a miracle that I purchased for a dollar at a corner-store in the streets of Secunderabad.


The Universe I have heard has been likened to a spinning top… or so I think that I have heard.

The Universe is a top that spins, not on the ground, but on a invisible and infinitesimal point.


* Note – I am here talking about Rabindranath Tagore’s book Lover’s Gift. I bought it for $50 rupees which is roughly a dollar.


“I’ve got a whirlagiggi in my head”

“A whirl a what?”

“A whirlagiggi … a swirlagiggi … in my head”


“Its sortof like this thing … a thingamagiggi.”

“Double huh?”

“a whirl a giggi”
“a giggle a giggy”
“a swirl, a whirl,
a whirl a whorl … and
add to that a twirl”
“wiggle some jiggy”
“swig some giggy”

“get back to a whirlagiggi”

Theological words that are high falootin : theo-falootin.
Philosophical words that are high falootin: philo-falootin.

We have all heard of education. And I saw somewhere edumacation. What of eduvacation?

Here is what the Urban Dictionary says:
Eduvacation: definition – When one is on hiatus from the world of academia but intends on returning at some point in the future.

Ah… yes… 1 more year here, and after that I want to somersault out of here and into the world.

Holy delicious cow!

Barbarian Habits (or perhaps ode to a barbarian)


Greetings Ladies and Barbarians,

Previously I had mentioned something about men in general being barbarians… and married men, in particular being domesticated barbarians… I was not quite sure how the idea got into my head, but it did. Here I would like to elaborate on this a bit more… Soooo? Here goes…

The Ways of the Barbarian …

Men are uncouth barbarians. They grunt, snort, sneer, and shamelessly make many other more embarrassing bodily noises. They all carry swords without exception – big ones and small ones, long swords and daggers. Their main activity and boast consists of conquest. Conquest is that of land. And when land has been conquered. they then boast of their exploits by conquering gulps of beer.

Clothing does not matter much to the barbarian. Any old rag will do, so long as it covers the privates. And of course this old rag can be worn several days at a time without washing. Clothing for barbarians is not a particularly complicated matter. Every morning, when a decision has to be made as to what to wear, the barbarian administers “the sniff test”. He sniffs whatever he sees lying around, and … sniff sniff … if it smells fine to him, its wearable. Really convenience is their clothing.

Barbarians only can make monosyllabic noises… any polysyllabic sounds would be too much of a brain strain. {Moreover, this is all that can escape their thick-necks ?} Not to worry however, because these monosyllabic grunts serve them quite well in sports. “Grrrr” … “Raaarrrrh” …”Woooo” (Note – In tennis, there are a few barbarianettes (lady barbarians) who also utter such monosyllabic grunts “Aaahk!”, while swinging their weapons, but I digress.). This – this monosyllabia – is also the reason why dogs are a barbarians best friend.

Anyway here are some helps that you may utilize, so as to facilitate your communication with barbarians.

“duhh” – most common universal expression, conveying their most common state of being.
“uuhh” – indicates understanding.
“ehh?” – most common universal expression for a question
“ohhh” – stands for several things including understanding
“aaah” – pain or pleasure depending on the intonation

And of course, added to this are all the usual grunts, snarls, growls … which are somewhere between the half-syllabic and monosyllabic and such.

Vacuities & Fatuities
What barbarians do in their free time… nothing. They sit in vacuity and ponder fatuities.

What barbarians do when they have responsibilities and work to attend to? Nothing.

Barbarians have many enemies. Not only is war a constant in their lives, but they also live in a war zones. The filth, squalor and foul odors of such habitats do not bother them and they in fact contribute to them. It is in fact an attestation to the strength of their character, that they can make such their habitations.

It also needs to be noted that while Barbarians have many enemies, their greatest enemy is silence. This great enemy of theirs even more to feared than death itself. While a barbarian may display great bravado and valor (and machismo, might I add) in death defying feats, they fear silence more than death itself. The entirety of their lives are spent as fugitives of silence. (For in running from silence, they run from themselves).

{fierce enemy/dragon}

{For silence makes a man confront the vacuities and fatuities of his own existence. They do not live in peace and quiet, nor do they know its meaning. When silence encroaches, they let out a loud roar like a lion and …???}

BTW, here is Samson’s (a Barbarian) riddle … good luck on trying to answer it:

He replied,
“Out of the eater, something to eat;
out of the strong, something sweet.”
For three days they could not give the answer.
~ Judges 14:14

“junkifying the Universe.”

Update: I have found the following book, Amateur Barbarians by Robert Cohen